četrtek, 29. september 2016

Cfp. TILTING perspectives 2017: Regulating a connected world

Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT) pripravlja konferenco:
17-19 May 2017
Tilburg University
Initial deadline for proposals and abstracts: 20 November 2016

sobota, 24. september 2016

The Internet Thinks I’m Still Pregnant

Aplikacije za nosečnice so jim v pomoč? Morda, a podatki, ki jih vnašajo so prodani, izmenjani in zaživijo svoje lastno življenje - tudi po "smrti" nasciturusa, ki ni ugledal sveta.

Primer iz The New York Times:

I hadn’t realized, however, that when I had entered my information into the pregnancy app, the company would then share it with marketing groups targeting new mothers. Although I logged my miscarriage into the app and stopped using it, that change in status apparently wasn’t passed along.

Seven months after my miscarriage, mere weeks before my due date, I came home from work to find a package on my welcome mat. It was a box of baby formula bearing the note: “We may all do it differently, but the joy of parenthood is something we all share.”

petek, 23. september 2016

cfp. Metric Culture: The Quantified Self and Beyond

Conference: Metric Culture: The Quantified Self and Beyond

Date of conference: 8-9 June 2017
Venue: Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark

We invite submissions (theoretical, empirical, visual or performative) on topics related (but not limited) to:
  • Histories and genealogies of self-tracking and quantification
  • Sociology and philosophy of wearable technologies and ubiquitous computers
  • The social life of self-tracking practices and data
  • Self-tracking and social media
  • Self-tracking and biomedia
  • Quantified Self communities
  • Quantified Self and Big Data
  • Quantified Self and healthcare
  • Quantified Self and the insurance industry
  • Quantified Self and the law
  • Quantified Self and the environment
  • Quantified Self and surveillance
  • Quantified Self at the workplace
  • Politics of metrics within academia
  • Methodological issues in researching the Quantified Self and metric culture
We are particularly interested in contributions from the fields of Media and Cultural Studies, Digital Culture, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Medical Humanities, Surveillance Studies, and other related disciplines. Participation of the Quantified Self community itself is also highly encouraged.

Deadline and contact information:

Abstracts (max. 200 words) and a short biographical note (max. 100 words) should be sent by 10 Nov 2016 to bajana@aias.au.dkwith “metric culture abstract” as the email title.  

Big data in slovenska javna uprava

Kvantificirjanje dela javnih uslužbencev v SLO, katere logika v ozadju je: 
“glede na to, da ste v državnih službah, ste po defaultu zabušanti, paraziti, zelo verjetno je, da obstajajo še rezerve, da bi naredili več, hitreje in učinkoviteje”. Gotovo so tudi taki... Big data se lepo ujema z logiko izžemanja.