ponedeljek, 28. september 2015

Algorithmic storytelling

Zanimiv projekt, ki se je začel že pred 10 leti: pobrati vse stavke na spletu, ki vsebujejo sintagmo: "čutim" ("I feel" in "I am feeling"). Tako lahko primerjamo:
- ali se Evropejci počutijo bolj žalostne od Amerosov?
- ali se ženske počutijo pogosteje debele kot moški?
- kakšna so najbolj reprezentativna občutja 30-letnic v New Yorku?
- kako se ljudje počutijo v Bagdadu?

Zdaj pa si zamislimo manj "nedolžno" idejo in kako bi to lahko delovalo pri drugačnih "sentiment analizah" varnostnih organov.

O metodi:

At the core of We Feel Fine is a data collection engine that automatically scours the Internet every ten minutes, harvesting human feelings from a large number of blogs. Blog data comes from a variety of online sources, including LiveJournalMSN SpacesMySpaceBloggerFlickrTechnoratiFeedsterIce Rocket, and Google.
We Feel Fine scans blog posts for occurrences of the phrases "I feel" and "I am feeling". This is an approach that was inspired by techniques used in Listening Post, a wonderful project by Ben Rubin and Mark Hansen
Once a sentence containing "I feel" or "I am feeling" is found, the system looks backward to the beginning of the sentence, and forward to the end of the sentence, and then saves the full sentence in a database.

O rezultatih:

The result is a database of several million human feelings, increasing by 15,000 - 20,000 new feelings per day. Using a series of playful interfaces, the feelings can be searched and sorted across a number of demographic slices, offering responses to specific questions like...

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