torek, 3. maj 2016

Kuvajt bo zahteval vzorce DNK vseh državljanov in obiskovalcev

Kuvajt je razglasil, da bo od vseh obiskovalcev in prebivalcev države kmalu zahteval, da oblastem izročijo vzorec svoje DNK. Menda zaradi uspešnejšega boja proti kriminalu in terorizmu. Če se boste upirali, vam grozi visoka denarna kazen in do leto dni zapora.
Logistically, that's a pretty big undertaking, and requires the 1.3 million citizens and 2.9 million foreign residents currently living in the Middle Eastern country to have their DNA collected by mobile centres around the country, or by officials when they next renew their visa.
At the same time, any visitors will submit either a saliva test or a few drops of blood at the international airport on their way in. Which is definitely one way to make tourists feel welcome.
From these saliva or blood cells, technicians will then anonymously sequence each individual's unique DNA code and upload it to a secure database, so that it can be matched against any genetic evidence found at crime scenes, or used to identify someone's remains if they're involved in a natural disaster or terrorist attack. ...
To be fair, for all intents and purposes, Kuwait's database will be regulated. According to officials, the new law specifies that the DNA results won't be used to look for any medical information - "the mandatory DNA tests only target non-encrypted genes that are not affected by diseases" - and no lineage testing is allowed.
Several clauses have also been added to the law, forbidding workers from sharing information about the DNA database they might come across in their jobs, and there's also a hefty punishment of up to seven years in prison for anyone who fakes or edits DNA information.
Vir: You'll soon have to hand over your DNA if you want to visit Kuwait - ScienceAlert

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